There’s always a silver lining…
The entire world has been covered with dark ominous clouds recently, but I’m starting to see the best parts of humanity peek through like little rays of sunshine.
My hope is those rays continue to break through. We really need them to.
I’ve found my new solace in the era of CIVOD19. And it’s pretty simple…as most comforting things are; walking.
I first tried it with my over enthusiastic doggo. I thought, “I desperately need to get out of the house, we both need a little exercise, and it’ll be a great distraction!”
But that was a major mistake.
For a little background, my furry friend is a boxer and she doesn’t need someone to go on walks with her. She needs someone to command her to stop getting distracted by all the squirrels and just walk in a straight line, damn it.
But for my first walk my brain wasn’t ready to only concentrate on her…at all. I had a billion other things bouncing in my head. Just like we all do at the moment.
She quickly sensed my distracted mind and wiggled out of her harness…to run. Not just a typical run. But a full on ears back, tongue out, sprint. Like her life depended on it. It almost seemed like she was running to get as far from what was going on in life as possible.
Ok, I might be reading into that a little since I’d totally do the same right now…but the main point is she eff’in took off and was pretty happy about it.
For a few seconds I just stared at her thinking, “You know what…good for you! You deserve a little break from this crazy life. Go get you some squirrel!”
Until…I saw a nice, happy, and blissfully unaware family come around the corner of the block we were both on. In an eerie sort of unison, their eyes were slowly widening as an 80 pound slobber bullet locked in on their position.
So I started going on walks by myself.
It’s given me time to analyze, reflect, and appreciate what I have. I’m very fortunate to have an amazing family, a super meaningful job, and I’m healthy. Not everyone is so fortunate and I’m finally ok, every once in awhile, to acknowledge and appreciate that.
It’s also given me an opportunity to experience my neighborhood in a way I haven’t ever before.
Beyond seeing people I haven’t seen in what seems like years, I feel a new connection. Even as we are politely crossing the street on our walks in order to give each other the appropriate amount of social distance spacing…there are smiles…and waves…and almost voice cracking excitement as we say “Hi!” to each other.
And people driving…I see the “small town nice” I experienced growing up making it’s way over here.
If you grew up experiencing small town nice when driving, you know exactly what I’m talking about. But if you haven’t, it’s amazing, and you’ll never forget it.
Here’s a clear sign you’ve just experienced it:
If you are driving…or even walking…you’ll see everyone you know AND COMPLETE STRANGERS “index finger wave” above the steering wheel to you and smile as they pass. This is them saying “Hi!” in the most friendly, we’re all in this together way possible.
Holy crap.
The hunger people now have for togetherness and need for simple human connection is almost overwhelming.
This may not be as heartwarming and newsworthy as singing from balconies or dancing in the streets, but this is the ray of sunshine I was able to experience.
And I love it. It’s been a long time coming.
It’s almost like there has been a need for a little “reset” in humanity.
Over the past few years there has been a growing anxiety, division, and almost a sense of distrust in one another, and it’s really sucked. Especially when you experience it in your own family because of political differences.
The current times have taught us a lot and I hope we continue to use this education to agree that:
It’s ok to disagree.
It’s even ok to argue.
It’s really ok to do a lot of things that feel uncomfortable.
But it’s not ok to be an asshole any more. Especially to someone that has a different opinion. Or has grown up in a different situation. Or location.
If we’re really “all in this together”…then it’s time to act like it.
It’s time to universally appreciate and respect that everyone is going through the exact life changing crisis situation you are but might have a slightly different perspective and experience.
These people are just like you…and have feelings…and might even know something you don’t… and maybe that’s why they have that differing opinion.
And that’s ok.
I’ve been walking more recently with my wife, and it’s been amazing. It allows us both to slow the onslaught of being stir crazy, give a little time for both of us to feel “normal”, and help contribute to the silver linings we are experiencing in our community.
I want us all to experience that.
So here’s my ask…
In the next few months we’ll all be back together. So I want you to practice smiling and waving and saying hi…especially with your index finger over the steering wheel to strangers.
Take a minute to breathe. It’ll be ok. Honestly it will.
Look at the cashier, smile, and say thank you…even when the line is 10 deep and it took “oh my god, 10 minutes…really” to check out.
And let everyone you love know you appreciate them and everything they do.
Every day.
Even if they need a minute to chase that effin’ squirrel.
Keep it up fellow humans. Don’t let this slip away. Break the clouds up even more with your little rays of sunshine.
You can do it. I know you can. We all need it right now.
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